S34: Brad Culpepper - Page 2 - Survivor

March 2024 ยท 3 minute read

22 hours ago, ljenkins782 said:

Hali wasn't on the Troyzan train at all, she didn't think he did anything. Andrea also wouldn't have voted Troy, she hated Sarah but voted for her anyway because she played the best game, she would have gone for Brad if she had to. 

I haven't watched any of the exit interviews, so my speculation is all based on what I saw on the show, but post-show did Andrea say she hated Sarah? I thought she said at the Reunion that she believed she and Sarah were friends and was surprised by Sarah's confessional saying she couldn't stand Andrea. Hali, though, did seem to really dislike Brad, unless she's said something in interviews to indicate otherwise. He was pretty dismissive of her from the beginning, so I'd be surprised if she were to vote for him regardless of who he was up against. In any case, I still think Brad probably wins in a Brad vs. Troy F2; I just don't think it's a landslide. I'd expect it to be close enough to flip to Troy depending on how FTC goes.

I also think Jeff's poll of who would vote for Tai and who would vote for Brad in a Brad/Tai/Troy F3 and how it would result in a tie that demotes Troy to jury status was inaccurate because I think Troy could conceivably pick up a vote or two from people who want to vote against both Tai and Brad.

Despite all my, "no, you guys, Troy could have won!" I'm not his mom or anything. But this season is another reason why I prefer F2s to F3s. In an F3 where the alliance leader and his right-hand person get there with a third person, the right-hand generally gets zero votes even though they were often as responsible as the eventual winner for the moves that were made (or at the very least, as integral to those moves even being possible): Yul/Becky, Tyson/Gervase,  Kim/Chelsea, and I'd even include Cochran/Dawn, even though I think Dawn's goose egg was based more on her personality than on being overshadowed by Cochran's gameplay, but the latter certainly played a part. I like the F2 because you have to work harder for the win; if you're considered hard to beat, then maybe you don't get to FTC at all unless you win an additional IC, and if you do win the IC, you have to vote out the right person. But at the same time, I like that they mix it up between F2 and F3 because they require different strategies and if the players don't know which it's going to be, they have to plan for both.

Edited May 27, 2017 by fishcakes
