The Meaning Behind The Song: We Dont Love These Hoes by KD Young Cocky

March 2024 · 3 minute read

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The Meaning Behind The Song: “We Don’t Love These Hoes” by KD Young Cocky

Song Information

TitleArtistAlbumRelease Date
We Don’t Love These HoesKD Young CockyBallin’ Like I’m KobeOctober 14, 2014

When it comes to music, lyrics often hold a deep meaning that resonates with listeners in various ways. KD Young Cocky’s song, “We Don’t Love These Hoes,” is no exception. With its straightforward and explicit title, it’s important to dive deeper into the lyrics and understand the meaning behind them.

As the chorus of the song repeats, “We Don’t Love These Hoes,” it is clear that the lyrics are focused on the shallow and transient nature of some relationships. The term “hoes,” in this context, refers to promiscuous individuals who may not be seeking genuine emotional connections.

In the first verse, Lil Herb states, “I don’t love no hoe, That’s cause I’m a dog.” Here, he acknowledges his own behavior as being someone who engages in casual relationships without emotional attachment. The verse continues to emphasize his disregard for these relationships, mentioning how he spends money frivolously and moves on from one woman to another. The lyrics indicate a lack of trust and commitment.

In the second verse, KD Young Cocky echoes Lil Herb’s sentiments, stating, “I cannot trust at all, I should go play ball.” These lyrics suggest a sense of detachment and unwillingness to invest emotionally in relationships. The repeated line, “She say I’m a dog, I know,” further reinforces the theme of self-awareness regarding their behavior and reputation.

While the lyrics of “We Don’t Love These Hoes” may seem superficial or offensive to some, it’s important to recognize that music often serves as an outlet for artists to express their experiences and perspectives. It’s crucial to approach these lyrics with an open mind and consider the context in which they were created.

Personal Reflection

Personally, I find the song “We Don’t Love These Hoes” to be a reflection of the complex nature of relationships in today’s society. While the lyrics may initially come off as degrading or dismissive, they shed light on the reality of fleeting connections and the struggle to find genuine emotional connections in a world driven by casual encounters.

As I listen to the song, I’m reminded of my own experiences navigating the complexities of relationships. There have been times when I’ve questioned the authenticity of connections and wondered if the people I’ve encountered were truly looking for a deeper emotional bond or simply passing through my life momentarily.

The lyrics of this song also serve as a reminder to be cautious and aware of one’s own behaviors and intentions in relationships. They encourage self-reflection and introspection, urging listeners to consider whether their actions align with their desire for genuine connections or if they are perpetuating a cycle of fleeting encounters.

Furthermore, it’s essential to recognize that this song reflects a specific perspective and experience. It may resonate with some individuals who have had similar encounters and struggles in relationships, while others may find it problematic or offensive. Understanding and respecting diverse viewpoints is crucial when engaging with any form of art.


“We Don’t Love These Hoes” by KD Young Cocky is a song that delves into the transient nature of some relationships. While the lyrics may appear superficial or offensive at first glance, they provide a glimpse into the lived experiences of the artists and shed light on the complexities of modern relationships. By understanding the meaning behind the song, we can have a more nuanced appreciation for its message and the emotions it seeks to convey.
