Tulsa girl stabs 9-year-old brother to death

April 2024 · 2 minute read

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A 12-year-old Oklahoma girl stabbed her little brother to death in the middle of the night Thursday, police said.

The young girl allegedly woke her parents up at their Tulsa residence shortly before midnight to tell them she had stabbed her 9-year-old brother, according to police.

Emergency officials performed CPR on the boy at the River Bank Plaza Apartments complex before rushing him to the hospital, where he was immediately taken into surgery.

The 9-year-old died shortly after 2:30 a.m., police said.

The boy’s sister was arrested and is being held at the Family Center for Juvenile Justice.

Police have not revealed a motive for the tragic killing, stating it will be the court’s burden to uncover intent.

“Obviously we did some interviews, but interviews with a 12-year-old are very preliminary,” Captain Meulenberg told Fox 23. “This, unfortunately, has no easy end or easy path, this is going to be a long convoluted process that’s going to be extremely taxing on everyone involved in this.”

Not only is the homicide the second in Tulsa in 2023, it is the second sibling killing of the new year.

On Jan. 3, 39-year-old Clifton Speed fatally shot and hit older brother Byron multiple times during a family “scuffle,” police said.

Clifton was hit with severe enough face and head injuries that he required surgery but is expected to leave the hospital in the coming days, at which time he will be charged with his brother’s murder.
