"Rice gum x LMAO"- Dillon Danis' cozied-up picture in now-deleted tweet with American YouTuber RiceG

March 2024 · 4 minute read

MMA fighter Dillon Danis is a controversy magnet. From his bizarre call out of elite fighters to his quirky social media posts, 'El Jefe' never fails to grab the limelight. This time around, the jiu-jitsu aficionado has stoked his fans' curiosity by posting a picture with RiceGum's ex-girlfriend.

In a now-deleted post on X, the 30-year-old can be seen cozying up with the YouTuber's former girlfriend Abby Rao. The controversial post has sparked numerous hilarious reactions online. Take a look at a few responses below.

@saintmufc responded:

"Rice gum x lmao."

@KshitijMehra6 criticized Dillon Danis, saying:

"After giving Logan a sloppy bro's having Ricegum's sloppy seconds."

@LoansTyree tried to instigate a beef between Danis and RiceGum, saying:

"@RiceGum, me personally, I wouldn’t let this slide jsss.🤷‍♂️"

@YungJxckie threw shade on the MMA fighter, saying:

"She downgraded while RiceGum upgraded… crazy."

@twtchase had this wild theory to share:

"She hit you up after you got a bag from influencer boxing? Influencers, money - Abby Rao. She’s totally not using you bro, nope. 💀"

@huhcarl opined:

"This bros career is now wherever RiceGum is at."

@kirawontmiss pointed out:

"He really was clowning logan paul wife 24/7 just to wife someone who’s worse."

@jaden__reyes had this to say:

"She is nothing without RiceGum music video."
Image courtesy X [Formerly Twitter]

However, since then, in an Instagram story, the MMA fighter has seemingly denied dating rumors surrounding the duo, saying that they are merely good friends.

Image courtesy @dillondanis on Instagram

Dillon Danis echoes UFC move

Per a report by MMA reporter Ariel Helwani, Bellator MMA has released Dillon Danis, officially making him a free agent. Although he has yet to face elite competition in MMA, 'El Jefe' hopes to make his mark at the UFC.

In a recent post on X, the 30-year-old teased a move to the UFC, saying:

"We about to make a lot of money @danawhite.🤝💰"

In a subsequent post, the undefeated MMA star vowed to make light work of lightweight champion Islam Makhachev once he steps inside the famed Octagon.

Earlier this month, Dillon Danis was disqualified in his Misfits boxing bout against Logan Paul after he tried to put 'The Maverick' in a guillotine choke during the last round of the fight.

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